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ApaCare® dental care with liquid enamel

By using ApaCare® dental care products, you are following the recommendation of many dentists. All ApaCare® dental care products contain liquid enamel the composition of which is similar to natural teeth (also known as medical hydroxyapatite). This composition protects your teeth and gums optimally against diseases such as caries and periodontitis. Thus, the unique combination with fluoride strengthens the bond between the hydroxyapatite and the natural enamel and both caries and micro-fine defects can be reduced at an early stage.

ApaCare Pasta de dientes remineralizante
El dentífrico remineralizante con esmalte líquido alisa, cubre con una finísima capa protectora y da brillo a los dientes.
Desde 4,05 €*
OraLactin Pasta dentífrica pre y postbiótica
El dentífrico remineralizante con esmalte líquido alisa, cubre con una finísima capa protectora y da brillo a los dientes.
Desde 5,30 €*
ApaCare Polish
Pasta para pulir los dientes con esmalte dental líquido. Continúa con la limpieza dental profesional en la clínica dental en casa.
Desde 5,59 €*